Now that spring is here, it's time to get started on the home improvement projects. Those home improvement projects will ensure that you get your home ready for the changing seasons. Once you've tackled the projects, you'll be left with debris that will need to be hauled away. A residential hauling service will help you clean up from the following home improvement projects.
1. Toss Out Old Insulation
Spring is the perfect time to refresh the insulation in your attic. One way to do that is to place new insulation directly over the old layer. If your current insulation is only a few years old, that's the best way to go. However, if your insulation is damaged, or has visible mold growth, you should start from scratch. The best way to do that is to remove all the old insulation so that you can layer fresh insulation directly onto the attic floor.
2. Replace the Old Shingles
If your roof suffered weather damage during the winter, now's the time to replace those old shingles. This is particularly important if you're expecting a wet spring. If you've just got a few damaged shingles, you can easily replace them. However, if your roof has suffered extensive damage, your best option is to replace the entire roof, especially if the damage has gone through to the sub-floor. Once the subfloor has been exposed, your roof can develop significant problems, including leaks and mold growth. Having a new roof installed on your home will help you avoid weather damage later.
3. Tear Out Your Dead Shrubbery
Now that the weather is warming up, you can start refreshing the landscaping in your yard. You might have found that your shrubbery has died during the cold winter months. If they have died, now's the time to replace them. Once you've torn out your old shrubbery, you'll be able to bring in the landscaper so you can give your yard a fresh new look.
4. Clean Out Your Garage
If you're going to be doing some spring cleaning, the best place to start is the garage. You can gather a lot of junk over the winter, which usually ends up in the garage. If your garage turned into a storage center for junk and debris last winter, it's time to clear it out and have it hauled away.
Get your yard ready for spring. Once you've tackled the home improvement projects, hire a residential hauling service to get rid of the leftover junk.